Ok... so I haven't written since the last hurricane scare. And OHHH!! how I wish that Ike was a scare like the Eduard TS. The hurricane actually arrived last Friday evening...and now today is day 10 in the wait for the power to come back on in my casa. We are all staying at my moms house in the mean time.
However, even being without power I am so thankful for for the lack of distruction on my home. I was actually very surprised. I thought it was going to be so much worse but there were just minor damages --Fence, shingles, a little sighting, and our backyard looks like a forest. Other than that...no problem.
I am grateful!
Also since the last time so much has happened...I was surprised with an awesome 30th birthday surprise from Stephen. We went to Vegas and when I got there my Whole family was there waiting to surprise me! It was great. Here are some pics from that...
This is Adriana(my brothers girlfriend), me, my mom, and Shauna before a night on the town.

and then again with Shauna's silly face.

My dad, my brother Nathan, my brother Kenin and Stephen on the same night.
This one is Shauna, Heather, Nathan, My Aunt Suzie, and Kenin I believe on the last day there.

A view of the Eiffel tower in the evening, Our hotel we stayed at in Vegas, and me and Stephen the night I was surprised at dinner. It was such a great weekend.
The very next day that we got back our little Ethan started his first day of Kindergarten. I will talk about that a little later.