I was telling it to my bible study group on Tuesdays and I thought it was so cute and funny.
Every night we have our evening routines during the week as we put our kids to bed. They have to brush teeth, go potty, get a drink of water, and then we all go together to read and then say prayers.
If we don't do ALL of that then the kids will get up over and over until they accomplish everything. Anways a few nights back we were saying our normal prayers and Ethan and Emma are growing from same a routine prayer(one that most people know), to saying there own prayers. We are trying to mold them into being very specific and not selfish with there prayers.
Well, anyone who knows Ethan knows that quite the intellectual thinker for a 5 yr old and he is pretty articulate most of the time(unless he is being lazy or whinny). During this specific evening he is leading the prayer but he keeps slurring his words.
So, I rudely interupt him and told him
"Ethan we can not hear or understand you, please speek clearly with your words"
and in return he says to me...
"Mom, You don't need to hear my prayers. God can understand me.
OUCH! ...yah I know. He is so funny and so to the point about everything. (I wander where he gets that from???)
Other than Ethan started soccer a while ago, Emma started ballet, and Ean is walking all over the place. It is hard for me to remember when he didn't walk. :(
Some of Ethan at his soccer games. He is #4.

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