Friday, July 25, 2008


Tonight was so fun! We just got home. Dinner was OK, but E-man loved it! It is his and his Aunt Shauna's favorite!!!

CICI's !!!!!

I know...Some of you are like Yum, I'm so jealous. And others of you are like Gross! Is that even real pizza. Well we all love it! And after that we went to my favorite place...If you know me well you know where that is. The only thing is, is that I only love it when I don't have children with me. Having all of them and then my husband who is not so much of a fan of the place is not the funnest in the world. But was still productive.

But now here is the funny story...

Tyler was helping out peeling the ugly vinyl tile floor (in our bathroom we are redoing). Meanwhile, unbenonced to Ty, Ethan is hiding in the shower. Well E is so good that Tyler had no idea for about 3-4 min. And than Ethan very quickly opens the shower curtain and Tyler screams soooo loud and high pitched that I thought it was Emma getting hurt or something. And then there was nothing but solid laughing for about 10 more minutes.

Wait theres more...
We think that Ethan is going through this "Just because Tyler is bigger I am going to show him who is boss" stage. Anyway

Then we get home from tonight's fun and Tyler says that he wants to take shower. So we say Yes, he goes to start warming up the shower, comes out and says something to Stephen, and low and behold guess who runs and jumps in the shower before his older brother does...LOL

Ethan is nutz!
Oh ya it gets a bit funnier...

After Ethan gets out he turns the water off, BUT he leaves the shower knob on, so when Tyler turns the water on again it comes out of the top spout all over him and his clothes and his hair. And all you can hear is Ethan peeking out of his room just craking up... :D

I know it is probably something where you need to be there to think it's as funny as I do. But it made you laugh or even just smile for a moment it was worth it telling.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I wasn't going to write...

I wasn't even going to write tonight, but some little munchkin will not go to sleep. We all intended on going to bed early, but not tonight. He is so funny! I sometimes get so frustrated, but then I look down at him and every bit of frustration I was having just turns to joy!
I just added a couple pictures of some of my favorite people but the one specifically of Emma was taken by my multi-talented friend Tasha. She is such a great photographer! I wish I could take her in my pocket every where I go. She always captures the trueness of my family.
It is now 11:39ish and I am going to attempt "night night" again. Wish me luck.

Monday, July 21, 2008

It's funny how God speaks to us...

Ok, so Ean is 8 months old today and I am so happy but at the same time so sad. :) :( Everything seems to be going so fast. It seems like he just started crawling the other week, but then I look at the calender and I have it written down that he has been crawling for a few weeks now. Ahhhhh! And now he has moved onto pulling himself up on anything. He is now walking along the couch or anything that is within hands reach. I feel so blessed to have him!

Ethan and Emma are doing great with him. Emma thinks that she is a little mommy. She always wants to pick him up and love on him but sometimes it is a little too much for Ean. Ethan on the other hand wants to hold him soooooo I get up sit him down, pick up Ean and put him in Ethan's lap, go sit back down , and then Ethan says..."I'm done Mama, he just moves too much." Ethan is "ALL BOY". LOL

Oh ya which reminds me of something that happened the other night with Ethan. We were all saying our prayers together like we always do. But lately, Ethan has been wanting to be a "Bigger Boy" and be the leader with the prayers. The only small issue is that he sometimes mumbles his words (even though he is really articulate).
So I, because I'm a brilliant mom (haha) have to stick my two cents in and tell Ethan to "speak more clearly because none of us can understand you". So he honestly replies, "Mom, it doesn't matter if you or dad can't hear me. God can already hear me."

Ya I know, I thought it was hilarious too!

God is soo Good!

I love the way he puts us in our place sometimes. We think we know what we are doing, and praying the way we need to be praying with all of these big and fancy words, instead of just understanding that God already knows our hearts he just wants us to take our words to him. Not for everybody else to hear. I am so thankful.

It is getting late and I still have stuff to do around the house before I go to bed.

Before I go here is a little video of Ean