Saturday, October 23, 2010

My First Craft Show!!

So...My very first craft show came and went so so fast! I loved it! I think that I did very well from what I heard from the other booths around me. The "Crafters", as they call themselves (the ones who make their living) say that this was a not so successful craft show. And I was thinking, "If this was bad...I can't wait until I attend a great one!" Ha!

A couple people told me my pics don't do my work justice but I was going to post a few of them so people can see them. And order too, if you would like.
This one comes attached to the antique window and you cant really see them but there are light blue crystals on the smaller iron cross. And sorry about the bad photography. Ha! The truck looks marvelous in the picture huh?!?
Anyways to say the least it was good fun! Thank you friends and family who came out and supported me. I am a truly grateful.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Craft Shows

I love love love craft shows!
So why not make some things to sell in them. I think I will! I went to Canton a while back and saw these beautiful crosses to hang on the wall for art decor. So I decided to make one for myself and my mother in law. They turned out great so I decided to do more. When I say more I mean LOTS! No really... you should see my teeny little living room!

It is nuts over here! But it sure is Fun. I love to paint, so anytime I get to paint it is a stress releiver.
So anyway the Craft Show that I am selling my crosses, some hair pieces, and hopefully if I get them done, some cute little baby slippers that I sew... is at at Sagemont Church on Hughes and my little spot is called ShandyDandy Designs.
Also just letting you know that my crosses are ALL extremely different!! Some are on frames, antique-ish windows and wood panels. I would love to see you there!!
The Craftshow is on Oct. 22nd(friday)-23rd(saturday) 10-5 and 10-6.

Monday, September 27, 2010

It's been a while...

Wow! It has been quite a while... I look at how long ago I posted last and all of the previous pics that are on my last post and think... Wow! Where has the time gone Emma's hair has grown back and in 1st grade, Ethan is way bigger and now in 2nd grade, Ean is 2 1/2, and Tyler now lives with us.

Whew! I feel exhausted just explaining all that!

I have been keeping up with a few of my friends blogs on a pretty consistent bases and I decided that I would start mine back up. This has been an enjoyable weekend! Saturday, Ethan had a football game, then we went to the Dicken's birthday parties and then went back up to the field so Emma could cheer at the 3rd and 4th quarter of the Seniors FB game. On Sunday we had a Texans vs. Cowboys football party at our teeny house and had a GREAT time. Even though they lost! boo. Then we had three boys spend the night because there is no school on Monday. All in all it has been a wonderful weekend.

Thank you God for wonderful friends!!

Emma and Ethan practicing and playing at one of there games

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So, there has been so much going on lately and actually the most of it had to do with business Christmas shopping stuff. But recently, if you do not live here, I would like to say that it snowed!! Nooo, not just sleet stuff (for all of you yankees). It was actual snow flakes. We ahd about 4 inches on our grass in the middle of the night. It was great. And in the morning when I had to take Ethan to school there was still a little bit of snow left over. It was so great to see the joy on Ethan and Emma's face. Even Ean had a great time.

Here are some of Stephen and Emma. They made a snow man in the morning. He was named Frosty of course.

Then here is one of Ethan before he went to school in the morning
And then the next week Emma had her little Christmas Ballet Dance. She was so cute! And had a wonderful time.
Sorry that the pictures are kind of weirdly placed. I am still trying to get better at this whole blogging thing.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wow, I am really bad about blogging all the time. I am great at reading others but I am no good at doing my own.

But right now I am really excited because I have been praying for a really long time to be able to contribute to my family financially without it being at the expense of my husband and my kids. And my prayer was even more specific then that. I really want to do something that I love...

So I have made my daughters dance bag and people at her dance class always ask me "Where did you buy that?" And when I tell them that I made it they say that I should sell them. So guess what I am going to start doing!
It gets even better, My friend is opening up a dance clothing store and told me she would love for me to sell them at her shop!! Get out is that crazy or what. If that goes good I have another church friend who is heading together a craft show for young ladies starting or that have businesses in March and I am thinking I am going to do a booth then.

Oh praise God! I am so excited!

When i get my camera back from my mom I will post a picture of Emma's bag, and then the five or ten I am getting ready to make.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Cute Story

Ya. So here is a funny story...

I was telling it to my bible study group on Tuesdays and I thought it was so cute and funny.

Every night we have our evening routines during the week as we put our kids to bed. They have to brush teeth, go potty, get a drink of water, and then we all go together to read and then say prayers.

If we don't do ALL of that then the kids will get up over and over until they accomplish everything. Anways a few nights back we were saying our normal prayers and Ethan and Emma are growing from same a routine prayer(one that most people know), to saying there own prayers. We are trying to mold them into being very specific and not selfish with there prayers.

Well, anyone who knows Ethan knows that quite the intellectual thinker for a 5 yr old and he is pretty articulate most of the time(unless he is being lazy or whinny). During this specific evening he is leading the prayer but he keeps slurring his words.

So, I rudely interupt him and told him

"Ethan we can not hear or understand you, please speek clearly with your words"

and in return he says to me...

"Mom, You don't need to hear my prayers. God can understand me.

OUCH! ...yah I know. He is so funny and so to the point about everything. (I wander where he gets that from???)

Other than Ethan started soccer a while ago, Emma started ballet, and Ean is walking all over the place. It is hard for me to remember when he didn't walk. :(

Some of Ethan at his soccer games. He is #4.

Some of Emma and her new hobby

And I took Ean outside today because it was just too beautiful to stay inside.

Talk at ya later!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Catching Up

Ok... so I haven't written since the last hurricane scare. And OHHH!! how I wish that Ike was a scare like the Eduard TS. The hurricane actually arrived last Friday evening...and now today is day 10 in the wait for the power to come back on in my casa. We are all staying at my moms house in the mean time.

However, even being without power I am so thankful for for the lack of distruction on my home. I was actually very surprised. I thought it was going to be so much worse but there were just minor damages --Fence, shingles, a little sighting, and our backyard looks like a forest. Other than problem.

I am grateful!

Also since the last time so much has happened...I was surprised with an awesome 30th birthday surprise from Stephen. We went to Vegas and when I got there my Whole family was there waiting to surprise me! It was great. Here are some pics from that...

This is Adriana(my brothers girlfriend), me, my mom, and Shauna before a night on the town.

and then again with Shauna's silly face.

My dad, my brother Nathan, my brother Kenin and Stephen on the same night.

This one is Shauna, Heather, Nathan, My Aunt Suzie, and Kenin I believe on the last day there.

A view of the Eiffel tower in the evening, Our hotel we stayed at in Vegas, and me and Stephen the night I was surprised at dinner. It was such a great weekend.

The very next day that we got back our little Ethan started his first day of Kindergarten. I will talk about that a little later.